Kamis, 02 Desember 2021




Basic English (Self Introduction)

Speaker : Ms. Asdin Hezegovina, Amd

Moderator:  Ms. Leni Priska, S.Pd

At the beginning of the meeting, I felt very excited because the speaker was very fluent in speaking English. I try to dare to introduce myself in English. I haven't spoken English for about sixteen years. Therefore, I'm studying English again in the English group for teachers.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Sosialina. I teach at SMPN 2 Bunguran Timur, Natuna Regency. According to Mz Vina. We can use English event along time we haven't practice it. Just try to practice everyday. 


I should improve my English speaking skill. i should practice more with my friends even though they don't understand what i say, in order i can get my self confidence to speak English.


Mz. Vina said " If you never go you'll never know" 

The importance thing in communication is you and your partners knows what topic you are talking about. not be thinking about correct or not your grammatically in speaking. So, you can mention your idea fluently.

When we are writing, just focus what do you want to share. Try to choose word in correct order, and write your idea and your feeling. I just do it when I write this summary. I feel my writing like student of junior high school because i seldom write in English, but I should try this way to get my writing ability.

Reading is skill to get comprehensions a paragraph or a text. Miz vina said that" In reading we were not necessary to translate the whole text. Just get the main idea of the text about. After words, In reading we can use our background knowledge and feeling to get more information. 

The last, just focus with your goal to improve your ability in English. Try to speak, write your idea and apply many tools you are using by using English. Thank you, Mz. Vina.

2 komentar:

  1. Very well done, Ibu Sosialina. Agree with everything you mentioned. Keep up the great job! Believe in yourself. You can do it! Thank you so much.

  2. Thank you for finishing the resume and Job Well Done !


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